Saturday, October 2, 2010

2D Playful/Periodic Critique

Critique by Lauren M, Ryan C, Josh B, Milah M, and Cara W

Playful and periodic were clearly represented, however, periodic had an element of playful also in the tiny offset square.  It would definitely read as clearly if the two were not next to each other.  They saw continuance and proximity in both.  In playful, continuance was seen in the eye being guided to the smaller squares and proximity by the tension that is created in the possible toppling of them.  In periodic, they saw continuance and proximity for the same reason.  Both were created because of the effect of movement inward to the center and the tension the that it caused.  The frame on both was a strength, but especially the periodic as it becomes part of the composition.  There was good use of positive and negative space to convey the message and both were asymmetrical.  However, I do see symmetry in the periodic because of repetition.  The craft had good clean edges and was consistent with Part 1.  The improvements they offered were to darken the shapes more.  The recommendations for the text/texture project were the question mark or the periodic squares.

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